
Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about buying and selling on HeroBanners
If you can't find the answer to your question here, get in contact with us via our contact form
If you are looking for specific guidance on what banners can be sold on Hero Banners, read our banner submission guidelines
What is Hero Banners?
Hero Banners is a marketplace for buying and selling high-quality banner images that are appealing and memorable, primarily used on websites or in email marketing campaigns.
What is the revenue split?
Creators retain 80% of the revenue from each sale of their hero banner, while Hero Banners collects a 20% fee to support the operation of our platform and the provision of services like customer support.
How do I get paid?
Payments to creators are processed and sent through Stripe.
How will I know how many sales I've made?
Your account page features a sales table that displays all your transactions, including the date and the specific banner image sold.
My country is not appearing when trying to sell my banner image.
Our payment processing is handled by Stripe, which unfortunately does not support certain countries at this time. We are actively seeking alternative solutions. Please check this page for updates or enter your country here to receive notifications when Stripe becomes available in your region.
Known countries currently not supported include: Brazil, Thailand, Bangladesh, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine."
How long does it take for my hero banner listing to be approved?
We typically review and approve hero banner listings within 1-3 working days.
Do I still own my hero banner if I list it?
Yes, listing your hero banner on our platform does not transfer ownership. You retain all rights to your work and can remove your banner from the marketplace at any time. For banners that have been sold multiple times, a six-month notice period is required for removal to allow customers adequate time to download the banner.
How does a hero banner get featured?
Our featured section showcases exceptional banners selected for their creativity and visual appeal. To enhance your chances of being featured, we recommend uploading at least six images in a 16:9 aspect ratio along with your listing.
How are thumbnail images selected?
Upon uploading your images, you'll have the option to choose one as the cover image. This image will be used as both the thumbnail and the featured image on your listing.
How are popular banners determined?
Popularity is assessed based on a combination of sales and views.
Why are my views not constantly changing on my profile?
Views on your listings are updated every 24 hours, so there may be a delay in the reflection of the view count.